Hi there, and welcome to my blog. I'm Deb - some of you will already know me from my former blog, Decomama. After 13 years it was time to change things up. Who knows where the next 13 years will take me but I hope you are keen to join me here where I will continue to share my thoughts and observations on life with a little more wisdom, a bit of humour and a listening ear to you-my readers. By this stage in life, it seems pointless to talk about my educational background since I am retired, but it does qualify me to speak with some expertise around media, interior design and the arts. On a personal note, I am a proud mother of a transgender son, a devoted partner to a fair dinkum Aussie man and my pronouns are she and her. Oh, and I still love gardening, tennis, travel, photography, wilderness walks and getting creative in the kitchen.
Let's dig in and DEBunk this next chapter together .